Survey Results

The results are in: Respondents to Wasco Electric Cooperative’s recent member survey are overall pleased with WEC. 94% said they are satisfied to very satisfied overall with the cooperative. Ninety-six percent of respondents agree or strongly agree that the co-op does a good job communicating with its members.

Members were given the opportunity to rank what was most important to them. Eighty-two percent ranked dependable and reliable electric service as No. 1. When asked how the co-op is doing in providing dependable and reliable electric service, 96 percent were satisfied to very satisfied with the job we are doing.

I am pleased to know we are meeting our members’ expectations in providing this. However, maintaining and rebuilding the electric system to achieve this great service comes at a cost.

The co-op invests significant financial resources into the electric system every year.  These investments are included in the rates we charge for electric service. The point I want to make: If we are going to continue with a high level of system reliability and meet members’ expectations, we will need to continue to invest in the electric system. This will impact future power rates.
The series of survey questions that generated the largest disparity in results—and received by far the most member comments—were those we asked about community solar. It is clear from the results, as well as the comments, that we need to provide members with more detailed information before we even consider moving forward with development of such a project.

Members have asked numerous questions. What is a community solar project and how does it work? How does a member participate? How much does it cost to participate? What are the benefits? How long does it take a member to see a return on their investment? All need to be answered in detail. We will provide members with this information soon and then determine if there is enough interest to move forward in developing a small-scale community-based solar project.
As always, if you have any questions regarding any aspect of your cooperative